Food Allergies in Puppies

Learn how to avoid the increasingly common Food Allergies and allergic disorders in the skin of puppies. Veterinary specialists report that almost half of the problems of allergies

in the pups produced during the first year of life and from different types of allergies, food allergies are much more frequent than others, such as insect bites or skin allergies diverse.

All food reactions are the body's response to foods that are taken as toxic or harmful to the puppy, these reactions can be immune body constituting Food Allergies, or reactions that do not generate immune response mechanisms such as toxic reactions, mechanical or metabolic in this type of immune reactions are called Food Intolerance.

How did the Food Allergy in the Cubs?

The puppy's bowel mucosa is the first barrier protecting it from substances that are ingested, which could have a harmful effect on the pups, this type of immune reactions occur most often in puppies after weaning, when they stop sucking milk exposed to maternal intake of solid foods.

Specialists originally recommended as a solution to this problem giving the puppies solid food gradually before weaning and although this practice decreased the number of cases in Cubs Food Allergy, these reactions have never gone with this management.

But of late the problems of Food Allergy and Food Intolerance has increased in weaned puppies and even occur in puppies who are still breastfeeding and receiving food supplement commercial diets for puppies.

Why Food Allergy occurs in puppies?

After studying the phenomenon of the increase in filing cases in Cubs Food Allergy veterinarians determined that allergies are manifested after weaning and are now manifesting as early as are the 3 or 4 weeks of age puppies that are fed commercial diets are due to the design and type of ingredients used in feed.

Now I'll give The Solution To This Problem

Perhaps when a human baby starts solid foods gives her mother, a mixture of corn industrialized beef or chicken mixed with broccoli, carrots, chicken breast seasoned with whole onions, garlic and added with flavoring and artificial coloring NO ! What mom does is start with a slurry of a single ingredient and slowly goes "Stomach Making it" his baby.

For just as a puppy or 6-week infant should not be exposed to a Food Allergy or Food Intolerance filling her tummy processed foods with a wide variety of ingredients that are not suitable for tender digestive system of a carnivore and drink addition, these foods are contaminated with flavorings, preservatives and artificial colors.

But what about if you give your puppy a diet similar to the canine moms give their puppies in the natural life? In the natural life of wild dogs, the wolves coyotas and give their puppies from two weeks of age carde intentionally crushed pre digested regurgitate their puppies to return to their nests after the hunt.

Now will show you a method to feed your Puppy Infants

You can start feeding solids to your puppies at 2 weeks old by giving them a porridge made of chicken or beef or pork or turkey or rabbit or kangaroo meat that is more accessible in your country. This meat must include skin and some ligaments, soft bones (to provide calcium)

The chopped meat and the empty container in which to boil water and boil the meat completely, then empty your blender boiled meat bones and skin with a little water and without putting anything else. Grind everything to get a warm mush.

This porridge is an easy way to mimic the type of food that a mother gives her cubs carnivorous infants

With this basic diet develop slowly and naturally the tolerance of our puppies for chicken, beef, pork or beef we decide to use, as being a highly digestible food with minimal variety of chemical allergens the puppies will have little chance of having food allergies.

After 4 weeks you will only boil the meat about 3 to 5 minutes before and at the age of 6 weeks your puppy is eating almost raw meat into pieces and can add some cooked white rice.

Now you know how to prevent your Puppy Food Allergies