Dog Food Allergies Symptoms and Causes

Like people, even the cat and the dog may develop intolerance in respect of one or more components of their diet. The onset of symptoms is usually sudden: the animal is suddenly intolerant to something that has "always" ate.
The most common objections of the owner are two: the first is "he always ate the same thing, so it may not be allergic to this." The second objection is "I always changed the brands and types of feeding, so it may not be allergic to nothing".
The answer to these objections is the following: food intolerance in dog and cat assumes an immune memory. The dog and the CAT are the time were sensitized to a protein source which have always attended. Have always eaten the chicken? Then they can be become intolerant to chicken. Have never eaten horse? Then cannot be intolerant to the horse.

The manifestations of food intolerance can be gastrointestinal or cutaneous. Those include excessive skin itching, lambimento and mordicchiamento of the skin resulting in loss of hair in some areas of the body, different types of dermatitis, ear infections and even cat injuries on the lips. Gastrointestinal manifestations that may co-exist or not with skin manifestations usually include diarrhea, and occasionally on admittance and vomiting. Vomiting is a symptom that I especially in cat. In the Persian Cat is observed sometimes rectal bleeding and haemorrhages of the oral cavity.
It is also reported as idiopathic epilepsy rare manifestation of food intolerance.

Food intolerance manifestations may be triggered by eating any food that the dog or cat has already been fed. Generally it comes to beef, chicken, fish, milk, eggs, soy, wheat, corn, rice.
The manifestations of food intolleraza are not related to the amount of food ingested, but its quality: even in the presence of low concentrations, the food to which the animal is intolerant manages to unleash the symptomatology.
In Allergology is the domino effect: a tiny amount may cause massive response, to 100% of the immune system.

Why it is important to understand this? Why the third objection of the owner of the animal is "but my cat eats only always croccantini beef, thus cannot be allergic to chicken! The chicken immediately from the exclude list! "
Against-reply: have you ever read the ingredients of these croccatini al manzo? Because reading the ingredients of foods of our animals, we will notice that conterrano a 4% beef. Then there's fish meal, chicken meal, corn, beet, rice, animal fat is not well-specified, eggs ... just for starters.