Dealing With a Dog Food Allergy

Just like human allergies may look like a sneeze or rashes, allergies your dog may have itching or even ear infections. In fact, if your dog is allergic to his food, can cause freezing himself continually, even without the pest problem visible.

dog allergies rarely resolves with medicine, so the best thing we can do for our four-legged friends is to focus on prevention. Provide the right kind of food is essential to stop the habit of scratching your dog.

Many people like to share food with their dogs or let them help "clean up" the kitchen after a meal. Little do they know, their dogs just won't be able to take the tasty food that we love so much, and some breeds (such as Greyhound) are extremely sensitive. Even common foods such as cheese, sausage, beef and tuna can cause allergic reactions in some dogs. So you better leave the dogs enjoy dog food and human food, though clearly adore and want what we're eating!

Circumscribe the problem

To determine the exact ingredients your dog is allergic to try a diet of deletion. Although powerful, but also requires patience. In fact, the Elimination Diet may call for the deletion of specific foodstuffs for up to 12 weeks before you will notice the effects. And if you haven't found the right (or wrong) the ingredients, you'll have to repeat the process over again.

food for humans, although clearly adore and want what we're eating!
Circumscribe the problem

To determine the exact ingredients your dog is allergic to try a diet of deletion. Although powerful, but also requires patience. In fact, the Elimination Diet may call for the deletion of specific foodstuffs for up to 12 weeks before you will notice the effects. And if you haven't found the right (or wrong) the ingredients, you'll have to repeat the process over again.

Then there is an alternative to deletion on diet? Yes-give your dog a brand or type of food that has never eaten before. But simply changing to a new brand of dog food may not be sufficient to eliminate his food allergies since many brands contain similar ingredients. Instead, the study of the ingredients already your dog is eating to determine which type of protein source was not exposed. Then, hunt for a dog food that does not contain ingredients that have seen listed. For example, there are many brands of dog food that contains sources of abnormal proteins, such as rabbit or deer-great for allergic reactions to other proteins.

Perhaps the best way to gain control of dog allergies is to assemble your own dog food. In this way, you'll know exactly what it is doing and what is not-something which is extremely difficult to understand by reading the back of a bag of dog food. Make your own food is particularly useful in diets of deletion. To start, combine a portion of rice with baby food and the Lamb-until your dog is not eating lamb and possibly a reaction to it.