Best dog food for allergies

Food allergies are a common reason why comes itching in dogs. Other symptoms include hair loss, skin rashes and infections of the skin and ears, especially with foods made with yeast. Determine the cause of the allergy a dog can mean to a frustrating process of elimination.

The most common causes of food allergies in dogs include meats such as beef, chicken and lamb; dairy products and eggs; and grains such as corn, wheat and soybeans.

Many dogs are benfecio, their allergy, if you switch to foods without grains: switch to foods without grains could solve every problem of food allergies.

Foods low in allergens are developed specifically to avoid triggering an allergic reaction. Some contain hydrolysed proteins and carbohydrates, divided into small molecular size. Others contain ingredients such as venison and millet or duck and sweet potato.

Some owners choose to prepare the food for dogs, so you have control over the ingredients that the dog will eat. Preparing homemade diet, however, requires a bit of research to ensure they are fulfilled all nutritional needs of the animal.

Proceed to deletion is the most accurate way to determine the cause of food allergies in dogs. Start with a base of proteins and carbohydrates by giving the dog for 12 weeks after add a new food every two weeks. Any added food, causing symptoms, is considered an allergen and must therefore be removed from the dog's diet.